Our Managers

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[mk_fancy_title color=”#e60c35″ size=”24″ font_weight=”bold” margin_bottom=”10″ font_family=”none” responsive_align=”left”]腦之家幹事[/mk_fancy_title]




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張博士現任香港中文大學教育行政與政策學系教授,並為該校大學與學校合作夥伴協作中心的總監。他同時於約克大學(英國)及約翰·霍普金斯大學(美國)分別擔任名譽訪問學人及客座教授。張博士研究範疇包括早期讀寫能力,學校改革及教育科技,多篇期刊論曾發表於多本享負盛名的學術期刊上。2008年,他的論文榮獲美國教育研究學會評選為最佳學術論文獲頒備受尊崇的PalmerO.Johnson Momorial Award,而在2013年,更獲中文大學頒授傑出研究學者獎。張博士多年來的研究遍及英國、美國、中國、印度、新加坡、馬來西亞、愛爾蘭及墨西哥等多個國家。


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[mk_fancy_title color=”#e60c35″ size=”24″ font_weight=”bold” margin_bottom=”10″ font_family=”none” responsive_align=”left”]Our Managers[/mk_fancy_title]

Founder and President: Dr. Caroline Kwok 

Dr. Caroline Kwok has always been a keen supporter of voluntary services. She was the Hong Kong representative for “The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children”. Being an expert in Brain-Based education, she firmly believes that every child deserves the best possible learning experience. Dr. Kwok is the chairman and founder of MegaBrain Institute, an organization which provides Brain-Based learning and training.

Dr. Kwok believes every child deserves the best possible learning experience.

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Chairman: Dr. Alan Cheung

Dr. Alan Cheung was an Associate Professor in the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University (USA), and he is currently an associate professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research areas include bilingual education, curriculum and school reform, early childhood education, and research reviews. He has conducted international research projects in various countries: Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, China, Indonesia, UK, and USA. Dr. Cheung has authored and co-authored numerous articles and book chapters on comprehensive school reform, technology infusion in literacy, and early childhood education. Dr. Cheung was a recipient of the Palmer O. Johnson Award for the best article in an American Educational Research Association (AERA) journal in 2008.

Dr. Cheung believes every child can learn and has the right to a solid education.

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Director: Anita Chow

Anita Chow, a social worker, speaker & counselor. Her training audience has included professionals as well as young children.Anita has been devoted in organizing and teaching various Brain-Related Courses for parents, teenagers and children. Together with a group of volunteers, Anita successfully broke the Guinness record in 2006 in “Most People Playing Golf Simultaneously for 24 hours” She is a committee member of Hong Kong Stress Management Academy & Defrost Training & Counseling Groups Trainer & MegaBrain Institute NeuroEducation and Neuro-Psychoacoustic Director.

Anita is also a certified practitioner of Neurol Linguistic Programming, a  certified hypnotherapist, a Wellness & Health Management Senior Consultant.

Anita believes every child and youth deserves the best possible education and equal learning opportunities. 

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